You prefer an eclectic mix of elements that have history and craftsmanship.
Your home is an essential part of who you are and is clearly articulated. There is something about history that fascinates you. Understanding the process of how something is made is important. You respect craftsmanship and honor what others have achieved. You always prefer to have something old rather than purchasing everything new.
It is important to you that the items you select have a history. The materials can be recycled with a patina so it provides a sense of character. Status is not critical but a strong sense of presence is foremost. The choices you prefer to make are not timid but rather bold and formidable.
- You have an expansive view of the world and possess great empathy
- You are passionate about history and linear in your thinking
- You possess great energy and drive. You are an advocate for causes
- You are attracted to creating a new vision of the world that is influenced by the past
Key STYLE Elements
Urban style relates specifically to the industrial age. The materials are often wood, metal, leather, and stone. They can be recycled with a patina to provide a sense of character. Color should not be the first thing you notice in a space.
- Urban style leans to a more masculine sensibility
- Wood is a dominant material often deep in tone
- The function of the space is key, nothing too decorative
- Clever use of industrial materials for a residential application

Explore Urban Interiors
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The Urban Home
Need help bringing this style into your home? Schedule a private session with Kim to help bring the Urban Style into your home.
We offer one-on-one sessions on Monday and Friday afternoons to answer any questions that might arise with applying the Urban collection to your home.
Your first call is complimentary and limited to 15 minutes.